
To begin the procedure for admission at the I level EMDS Master, we invite you to send a preliminary candidature to the email address with some information: name, place and date of birth, telephone, email address, and curriculum vitae.

Before starting the process, it is important to read carefully the “Admission with foreign titles” pages, bearing in mind that EMDAS is a first level master.

Subsequently, to be admitted to participation, it will be necessary to enroll on the University Portal and submit an application from 30 June 2023 to 13 July 2023 (no later than 3 p.m.).

On this page there are some useful general information about the application.

For any info and need about the registration procedures, you can contact the Master’s Office of the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society ( or the student secretariat of University of Turin’s (

The applicants will be informed about the admission around the end of July with specific information for the registration and the fee payment.

All data are used and processed according to the GDPR UE 2016/679.

Application for admission
The application for admission must be submitted by July 13, 2023, no later than 3 p.m.

Enrollment fee
The registration fee amounts to € 3,600 and will be divided in 2 annual instalments. First instalment of €1,850.00 to be paid on registration, second instalment €1,750.00 on 30 June, 2024.

Registration for individual modules
From the 2023-25 edition, registration for individual modules is also possible:

Denominazione ModuloCFUCOSTODATA AVVIO
1. Introduction to drug and alcohol studies6€ 360,008/9/23
2. Substance use and addiction theories6€ 360,006/10/23
3. Responses to the drug problem6€ 360,0024/11/23
4. Drug and alcohol policies in Europe6€ 360,0012/01/24
5. Evidence Based Practise in Drugs and Alcohol6€ 360,009/2/24
6. Social research methodology in addiction studies6€ 360,0012/04/24
7. Drugs and crime in Europe 6€ 360,0027/9/24
8. Double diagnosis6€ 360,0001/11/24
9. Cultural and social aspects of alcohol and drug use6€ 360,0001/11/24